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14 Concord Ave #406, Cambridge, MA
Harvard SquarePrice: $1,250,000
188-194 Green Street #188, Cambridge, MA
CambridgeportPrice: $1,240,000
130 Cushing St #2, Cambridge, MA
CambridgePrice: $1,225,000
10 Rogers Street #604, Cambridge, MA
CambridgePrice: $1,200,000
133 Fifth St #1, Cambridge, MA
East CambridgePrice: $1,175,000
189 Lexington Ave #1, Cambridge, MA
CambridgePrice: $1,159,000
147 Sherman St U-201, Cambridge, MA
CambridgePrice: $1,124,900
1 Cedar St #2, Cambridge, MA
CambridgePrice: $1,099,900
26-28 Surrey St #5, Cambridge, MA
RiversidePrice: $1,099,000
747 Cambridge St #2, Cambridge, MA
CambridgePrice: $1,085,000
22 Hunting #3, Cambridge, MA
CambridgePrice: $1,045,000
14 Concord Ave #422, Cambridge, MA
Harvard SquarePrice: $1,020,000
676 Huron Ave #38, Cambridge, MA
CambridgePrice: $985,000
1812 Massachusetts Ave Unit C3 & B, Cambridge, MA
CambridgePrice: $975,000
17 Otis #410, Cambridge, MA
CambridgePrice: $929,000
112 Jackson Street, Cambridge, MA
CambridgePrice: $880,000
8-12 Museum Way #1425, Cambridge, MA
East CambridgePrice: $875,000
20 Chestnut PH608, Cambridge, MA
CambridgeportPrice: $875,000